123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750 |
- using Dapper;
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- using XYY.Common.Standard;
- using XYY.Core.Standard.Data.Infrastructure;
- using XYY.Model.Standard;
- using XYY.Model.Standard.Finance;
- namespace XYY.Data.Standard.Finance
- {
- public interface IFinance_Logistics_LadingBillRepository : IBaseRepository<Finance_Logistics_LadingBill>
- {
- Task<Dictionary<int, int>> GetGroupCounts();
- Task<PageResult<View_Finance_Logistics_LadingBill>> GetData(QueryModel queryModel);
- new Task<PageResult<View_Finance_Logistics_LadingBill>> QueryPager(QueryModel queryModel);
- Task<View_Finance_Logistics_LadingBill> GetInfo(string billNumber);
- Task UpdateDetailFristFee(string billNumber);
- Task UpdateDetailClareFee(string billNumber);
- Task<List<View_FinanceBill2>> GetView_FinanceBills(int channelId, int customerId, DateTime start, DateTime end, SettlementCompany? SettlementCompany);
- Task<List<View_FinanceBill2>> GetBillsDetails(int channelId, int customerId, DateTime start, DateTime end, SettlementCompany? SettlementCompany);
- Task<List<Finance_Logistics_LadingBillLog>> GetLadingBillLogs(int BillId, FinanceIncidentalTypeEnum type);
- Task<List<EFFinanceBill>> GetEFFinanceBillGroup(DateTime start, DateTime end, int channelId, int customerId);
- Task<List<EFFinanceGroupBill>> GetEFFinanceBillGroupAsChannel(DateTime start, DateTime end);
- Task<List<EFFinanceGroupBill>> GetEFFinanceBillGroupAsCustomer(DateTime start, DateTime end);
- Task<List<View_FinanceBill2>> GetEFFinanceBillDetails(DateTime start, DateTime end, int channelId, int customerId);
- Task<List<EFFinanceGroupBill>> GetFinanceBillGroupAsChannel(DateTime start, DateTime end);
- Task<List<EFFinanceGroupBill>> GetFinanceBillGroupAsCustomer(DateTime start, DateTime end);
- Task<List<EFFinanceBill>> GetFinanceBillGroup(DateTime start, DateTime end, int channelId, int customerId);
- Task<List<View_FinanceBill2>> GetFinanceBillDetails(DateTime start, DateTime end, int channelId, int customerId);
- Task<List<View_FinanceBill_WithBranchCompany>> GetFinanceReportDetails(DateTime? receiveStart, DateTime? receiveTimeEnd, int? channelId, int? customerId, int? branchCompanyId, List<string> trackingNumbers, List<string> transferNumbers, List<string> ladingBillNumbers);
- Task<List<View_FinanceBill_WithBranchCompany>> GetFinanceSimpleReportDetails(DateTime? receiveStart, DateTime? receiveTimeEnd, int? channelId, int? customerId, int? branchCompanyId, List<string> trackingNumbers, List<string> transferNumbers, List<string> ladingBillNumbers);
- Task<PageResult<View_FinanceBill_WithBranchCompany>> QueryFinanceReportDetailPage(QueryModel queryModel);
- Task<List<CompletionRate>> GetCompletionRate(DateTime start, DateTime end, int channelId, int customerId);
- Task<FinanceBillDetailWeightDifferenceGroup> GetFinanceBillDetailWeightDifferenceGroup(DateTime start, DateTime end, int channelId, int customerId);
- Task<List<FinanceBillDetailWeightDifference>> GetDifferenceDetailsAsync(DateTime start, DateTime end, int channelId, int customerId);
- /// <summary>
- /// 更新状态
- /// 收款金额
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="CustomerId"></param>
- /// <param name="start"></param>
- /// <param name="end"></param>
- /// <param name="aboutCusetomerCheques">是否更新金额</param>
- /// <returns></returns>
- Task UpdateFirstBillCusetomerChequesStatus(int CustomerId, DateTime start, DateTime end);
- Task CompleteFirstBillCusetomerChequesStatus(int CustomerId, DateTime end);
- Task<IEnumerable<Finance_Logistics_LadingBill>> GetLadingBillByChargesDetail(DateTime end, int customerId);
- }
- public class Finance_Logistics_LadingBillRepository : BaseRepository<Finance_Logistics_LadingBill>, IFinance_Logistics_LadingBillRepository
- {
- public Finance_Logistics_LadingBillRepository(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork) : base(unitOfWork)
- {
- }
- public async Task DeleteBill(int v, int billId)
- {
- await DeleteByIdAsync(billId);
- await _unitOfWork.Connection.ExecuteAsync("delete Finance_ServiceDeliveryBillDetail where BillId=" + billId, null, _unitOfWork.Transaction);
- }
- public async Task<PageResult<View_Finance_Logistics_LadingBill>> GetData(QueryModel queryModel)
- {
- return await _unitOfWork.GetPagingListAsync<View_Finance_Logistics_LadingBill>(queryModel);
- }
- public async Task<View_Finance_Logistics_LadingBill> GetInfo(string billNumber)
- {
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<View_Finance_Logistics_LadingBill>("select * from View_Finance_Logistics_LadingBillInfo where LadingBillNumber='" + billNumber + "'")).FirstOrDefault();
- }
- public async Task<Dictionary<int, int>> GetGroupCounts()
- {
- string sql = @"select Status as [Key],count(0) as [Value] from Finance_Logistics_LadingBill group by Status";
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<dynamic>(sql)).ToDictionary(x => (int)x.Key, x => (int)x.Value);
- }
- public new async Task<PageResult<View_Finance_Logistics_LadingBill>> QueryPager(QueryModel queryModel)
- {
- return await _unitOfWork.GetPagingListAsync<View_Finance_Logistics_LadingBill>(queryModel);
- }
- public async Task UpdateDetailFristFee(string billNumber)
- {
- await _unitOfWork.ExecuteStoredProcedureAsync("updateDetailFristFee", new { billNumber = billNumber });
- }
- public async Task UpdateDetailClareFee(string billNumber)
- {
- await _unitOfWork.ExecuteStoredProcedureAsync("updateDetailClareFee", new { billNumber = billNumber });
- }
- public async Task<List<View_FinanceBill2>> GetBillsDetails(int channelId, int customerId, DateTime start, DateTime end, SettlementCompany? SettlementCompany)
- {
- string where = "";
- if (channelId != 0)
- where += " and CreateOrderChannelId = " + channelId;
- if (customerId != 0)
- where += " and CustomerId = " + customerId;
- if (SettlementCompany.HasValue)
- where += " and SettlementCompany = " + SettlementCompany.GetValue();
- string sql = $@"
- select
- h.LadingBillNumber[提单号],
- a.TrackingNumber[跟踪号],
- a.OPWeight[称重重量],a.ReceiveTime[称重时间],lp.[Name] as [渠道名称],f.CompanyName[所属客户],
- case when b.ConfirmedAmount = 0 or b.ConfirmedAmount is null
- then d.OPCFreight else b.ConfirmedAmount end + isnull(b.AttachFee,0) [收入],
- case when c.ConfirmedAmount = 0 or c.ConfirmedAmount is null
- then d.OPSFreight else c.ConfirmedAmount end * isnull(g.ToCNY,0) [末端派送],
- d.OPSCurreny,
- isnull(ef.OperateCost,0)[营运成本],
- case when h.FirstTransferFeeCost = 0 or h.FirstTransferFeeCost is null
- then ef.FirstTransferPrice * a.OPWeight /1000.0 else h.FirstTransferFeeCost end [一级中转],
- case when h.SecondTransferFeeCost = 0 or h.SecondTransferFeeCost is null
- then ef.SecondTransferPrice * a.OPWeight /1000.0 else h.SecondTransferFeeCost end [二级中转],
- case when h.DomesticClearFeeCost = 0 or h.DomesticClearFeeCost is null
- then ef.ClearanceUnitWeightPrice * a.OPWeight /1000.0
- else h.DomesticClearFeeCost end [出口报关],
- case when h.FristFeeCost = 0 or h.FristFeeCost is null then
- ef. FirstLegUnitPrice * a.OPWeight/1000 else h.FristFeeCost end [空运成本],
- case when h.OverseasClearFeeCost =0 or h.OverseasClearFeeCost is null
- then ef.ClearanceUnitWeightPrice * a.OPWeight/1000.0 * isnull(effc.ToCNY,0) else h.OverseasClearFeeCost * isnull(ocfc.ToCny,0) end[清关成本],
- case when h.TaxFeeCost = 0 or h.TaxFeeCost is null then
- ef.TaxPrice * a.OPWeight /1000 * isnull(eftax.ToCNY,0) else isnull(h.TaxFeeCost,0)*isnull(tfc.ToCny,0) end [关税],
- case when h.OverSeaTransferFeeCost =0 or h.OverseasClearFeeCost is null
- then ef.OverSeaTransferPrice * a.OPWeight/1000.0 * ISNULL(eftfc.ToCNY,0)
- else isnull(h.OverSeaTransferFeeCost,0)*isnull(ostfc.ToCny,0) end [海外中转],
- case when h.Subsidy =0 or h.Subsidy is null
- then ef.SubsidyPrice * isnull(efsc.ToCNY,0) else isnull(h.Subsidy,0)*isnull(sc.ToCny,0) end[补贴]
- from Order_Order(nolock) a
- left join
- (select sum(isnull( ConfirmedAmount,0)) as ConfirmedAmount,TrackingNumber,sum(isnull(AttachFee,0)) as AttachFee from Finance_CustomerDeliveryBillDetail(nolock)group by trackingnumber) b on a.TrackingNumber=b.TrackingNumber
- left join
- (select sum(isnull( ConfirmedAmount,0)) as ConfirmedAmount,TrackingNumber from Finance_ServiceDeliveryBillDetail(nolock)group by trackingnumber) c on c.TrackingNumber=a.TrackingNumber
- left join
- Order_Fee(nolock) d on d.OrderId = a.Id
- left join
- Logistics_Channel(nolock) e on e.id=a.CreateOrderChannelId
- left join
- User_Customer(nolock) f on f.Id=a.CustomerId
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) g on g.Currency = d.OPSCurreny
- and convert(date,a.ReceiveTime) between
- convert(date, g.StartDate) and convert(date, g.EndDate)
- left join
- Finance_OrderCost(nolock) h on h.OrderId = a.Id
- left join Logistics_Public(nolock) lp on lp.Code = e.PublicCode
- left join Finance_Logistics_LadingBill(nolock) llb on llb.BillNumber = h.LadingBillNumber
- outer apply( select top 1 * from Finance_EstimateFee(nolock) ef where ef.ChannelId = lp.Id
- and ef.EffectiveDate<a.ReceiveTime order by ef.EffectiveDate desc)ef
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) ocfc on ocfc.Currency = h.OverseasClearFeeCurreny and
- convert(date, llb.OverseasClearBillTime)
- between convert(date, ocfc.StartDate) and convert(date, ocfc.EndDate)
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) tfc on tfc.Currency = h.TaxFeeCurreny and
- convert(date, llb.TaxBillTime)
- between convert(date, tfc.StartDate) and convert(date, tfc.EndDate)
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) ostfc on ostfc.Currency = h.OverSeaTransferFeeCurreny and
- convert(date, llb.OverSeaTransferBillTime)
- between convert(date, ostfc.StartDate) and convert(date, ostfc.EndDate)
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) sc on sc.Currency = h.SubsidyCurreny and
- convert(date, llb.SubsidyBillTime)
- between convert(date, sc.StartDate) and convert(date,sc.EndDate)
- ---预计汇率
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) effc on effc.Currency = ef.ClearancePriceCurrency and
- convert(date,a.ReceiveTime)
- between convert(date, effc.StartDate) and convert(date, effc.EndDate)
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) eftax on eftax.Currency = ef.TaxPriceCurrency and
- convert(date,a.ReceiveTime)
- between convert(date, eftax.StartDate) and convert(date, eftax.EndDate)
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) eftfc on eftfc.Currency = ef.OverSeaTransferPriceCurrency and
- convert(date, a.ReceiveTime)
- between convert(date, eftfc.StartDate) and convert(date, eftfc.EndDate)
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) efsc on efsc.Currency = ef.SubsidyPriceCurrency and
- convert(date, a.ReceiveTime)
- between convert(date, efsc.StartDate) and convert(date,efsc.EndDate)
- where a.ReceiveTime between '{start.ToString_yyyyMMdd()}' and '{end.ToString_yyyyMMdd()}' {where}
- and a.OrderStatus>1
- ";
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<View_FinanceBill2>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- }
- public async Task<List<EFFinanceBill>> GetEFFinanceBillGroup(DateTime start, DateTime end, int channelId, int customerId)
- {
- string where = "";
- if (channelId != 0)
- where += " and CreateOrderChannelId = " + channelId;
- if (customerId != 0)
- where += " and CustomerId = " + customerId;
- string sql = $@"
- select CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120)称重时间,sum(毛利) as 毛利,
- sum(收入)收入,sum(毛利)/sum(收入)毛利占比 from EFFinanceBillDetail
- where 称重时间 between '{start}' and '{end.AddDays(1)}' {where}
- group by CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120)
- order by CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120)
- ";
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<EFFinanceBill>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- }
- public async Task<List<View_FinanceBill2>> GetEFFinanceBillDetails(DateTime start, DateTime end, int channelId, int customerId)
- {
- string where = "";
- if (channelId != 0)
- where += " and CreateOrderChannelId = " + channelId;
- if (customerId != 0)
- where += " and CustomerId = " + customerId;
- string sql = $@"
- select * from EFFinanceBillDetail(nolock)
- where 称重时间 between '{start}' and '{end.AddDays(1)}' {where}
- ";
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<View_FinanceBill2>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- }
- public async Task<List<EFFinanceBill>> GetEFFinanceBillCustomerEveryDay(
- DateTime start,
- DateTime end)
- {
- string sql = $@"
- select [所属客户],CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120)称重时间,sum(毛利) as 毛利,sum(收入)收入,sum(毛利)/sum(收入)毛利占比 from EFFinanceBillDetail
- where 称重时间 between '{start}' and '{end.AddDays(1)}' and 收入>0
- group by CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120),[所属客户]
- order by CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120)
- ";
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<EFFinanceBill>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- }
- public async Task<List<EFFinanceBill>> GetEFFinanceBillChannelEveryDay(
- DateTime start,
- DateTime end)
- {
- string sql = $@"
- select [渠道名称],CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120)称重时间,sum(毛利) as 毛利,sum(收入)收入,sum(毛利)/sum(收入)毛利占比 from EFFinanceBillDetail
- where 称重时间 between '{start}' and '{end.AddDays(1)}' and 收入>0
- group by CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120),[渠道名称]
- order by CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120)
- ";
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<EFFinanceBill>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- }
- public async Task<List<EFFinanceGroupBill>> GetEFFinanceBillGroupAsChannel(DateTime start, DateTime end)
- {
- string sql = $@"
- select [渠道名称],
- sum(收入) 预计收入,
- count(0) 收货单量,
- sum(称重重量/1000.0) 收货重量,
- sum(毛利) as 毛利,
- sum(毛利)/sum(收入)毛利占比,
- sum(毛利)/count(0) 单件毛利,CreateOrderChannelId
- from EFFinanceBillDetail
- where 称重时间 between '{start}' and '{end.AddDays(1)}'
- and 收入>0
- group by [渠道名称],CreateOrderChannelId
- order by SUM([收入]) desc";
- var allChannelData = (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<EFFinanceGroupBill>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- var everyDay = await GetEFFinanceBillChannelEveryDay(start, end);
- foreach (var custometData in allChannelData)
- {
- custometData.EveryDayBill = everyDay.Where(x => x.渠道名称 == custometData.渠道名称).ToList();
- }
- return allChannelData;
- }
- public async Task<List<EFFinanceGroupBill>> GetEFFinanceBillGroupAsCustomer(DateTime start, DateTime end)
- {
- string sql = $@"
- select [所属客户],
- sum(收入) 预计收入,
- count(0) 收货单量,
- sum(称重重量/1000.0) 收货重量,
- sum(毛利) as 毛利,
- sum(毛利)/sum(收入)毛利占比,
- sum(毛利)/count(0) 单件毛利,CustomerId
- from EFFinanceBillDetail
- where 称重时间 between '{start}' and '{end.AddDays(1)}'
- and 收入>0
- group by [所属客户],CustomerId
- order by SUM([收入]) desc";
- var allCustomerData = (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<EFFinanceGroupBill>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- var everyDay = await GetEFFinanceBillCustomerEveryDay(start, end);
- foreach (var custometData in allCustomerData)
- {
- custometData.EveryDayBill = everyDay.Where(x => x.所属客户 == custometData.所属客户).ToList();
- }
- return allCustomerData;
- }
- public async Task<List<EFFinanceBill>> GetFinanceBillGroup(DateTime start, DateTime end, int channelId, int customerId)
- {
- string where = "";
- if (channelId != 0)
- where += " and CreateOrderChannelId = " + channelId;
- if (customerId != 0)
- where += " and CustomerId = " + customerId;
- string sql = $@"
- select CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120)称重时间,sum(毛利) as 毛利,
- sum(收入)收入,
- case when sum(isnull(收入,0))=0 then 0 else sum(毛利)/sum(收入) end 毛利占比 from FinanceBillDetail
- where 称重时间 between '{start}' and '{end.AddDays(1)}' {where}
- group by CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120)
- order by CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120)
- ";
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<EFFinanceBill>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- }
- public async Task<List<View_FinanceBill2>> GetFinanceBillDetails(DateTime start, DateTime end, int channelId, int customerId)
- {
- string where = "";
- if (channelId != 0)
- where += " and CreateOrderChannelId = " + channelId;
- if (customerId != 0)
- where += " and CustomerId = " + customerId;
- string sql = $@"
- select * from FinanceBillDetail(nolock)
- where 称重时间 between '{start}' and '{end.AddDays(1)}' {where}
- ";
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<View_FinanceBill2>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- }
- private string CreateFinanceReportDetailWhere(DateTime? receiveStart, DateTime? receiveTimeEnd, int? channelId, int? customerId, int? branchCompanyId, List<string> trackingNumbers, List<string> transferNumbers, List<string> ladingBillNumbers)
- {
- string where = "";
- if (channelId != null && channelId != 0)
- where += " and CreateOrderChannelId = " + channelId;
- if (customerId != null && customerId != 0)
- where += " and CustomerId = " + customerId;
- if (branchCompanyId != null && branchCompanyId != 0)
- where += " and BranchCompanyId = " + branchCompanyId;
- if (trackingNumbers?.Any() == true)
- {
- var p = string.Join(",", trackingNumbers.Select(i => $"'{i}'"));
- where += $" and 跟踪号 in ({p})";
- }
- if (transferNumbers?.Any() == true)
- {
- var p = string.Join(",", transferNumbers.Select(i => $"'{i}'"));
- where += $" and 订单号 in ({p})";
- }
- if (ladingBillNumbers?.Any() == true)
- {
- var p = string.Join(",", ladingBillNumbers.Select(i => $"'{i}'"));
- where += $" and 提单号 in ({p})";
- }
- if (receiveStart.HasValue)
- {
- var start = receiveStart.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00");
- var p = $" and 称重时间 >='{start}'";
- where += p;
- }
- if (receiveTimeEnd.HasValue)
- {
- var end = receiveTimeEnd.Value.AddDays(1);
- var endStr = end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00");
- var p = $" and 称重时间 <'{endStr}'";
- where += p;
- }
- return where;
- }
- public async Task<List<View_FinanceBill_WithBranchCompany>> GetFinanceSimpleReportDetails(DateTime? receiveStart, DateTime? receiveTimeEnd, int? channelId, int? customerId, int? branchCompanyId, List<string> trackingNumbers, List<string> transferNumbers, List<string> ladingBillNumbers)
- {
- string where = CreateFinanceReportDetailWhere(receiveStart, receiveTimeEnd, channelId, customerId, branchCompanyId, trackingNumbers, transferNumbers, ladingBillNumbers);
- where += " and PublicChannelId not in(9,15,16,21,32,38,39,42,43,54,55,56,63,64,65) and CustomerId not in(227,294)";
- string sql = $@"select * from View_FinanceBill_WithBranchCompanySimple(nolock) where 1=1 {where} ";
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<View_FinanceBill_WithBranchCompany>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- }
- public async Task<List<View_FinanceBill_WithBranchCompany>> GetFinanceReportDetails(DateTime? receiveStart, DateTime? receiveTimeEnd, int? channelId, int? customerId, int? branchCompanyId, List<string> trackingNumbers, List<string> transferNumbers, List<string> ladingBillNumbers)
- {
- string where = CreateFinanceReportDetailWhere(receiveStart, receiveTimeEnd, channelId, customerId, branchCompanyId, trackingNumbers, transferNumbers, ladingBillNumbers);
- string sql = $@"select * from View_FinanceBill_WithBranchCompany(nolock) where 1=1 {where} ";
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<View_FinanceBill_WithBranchCompany>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- }
- public async Task<PageResult<View_FinanceBill_WithBranchCompany>> QueryFinanceReportDetailPage(QueryModel queryModel)
- {
- return await _unitOfWork.GetPagingListAsync<View_FinanceBill_WithBranchCompany>(queryModel);
- }
- public async Task<List<FinanceBillDetailWeightDifference>> GetDifferenceDetailsAsync(DateTime start, DateTime end, int channelId, int customerId)
- {
- string where = "";
- if (channelId != 0)
- where += " and CreateOrderChannelId = " + channelId;
- if (customerId != 0)
- where += " and CustomerId = " + customerId;
- string sql = $"select * from FinanceBillDetailWeightDifference(nolock) where 称重时间 between '{start}' and '{end}' {where}";
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<FinanceBillDetailWeightDifference>(sql)).ToList();
- }
- public async Task<FinanceBillDetailWeightDifferenceGroup> GetFinanceBillDetailWeightDifferenceGroup(DateTime start, DateTime end, int channelId, int customerId)
- {
- string where = "";
- if (channelId != 0)
- where += " and CreateOrderChannelId = " + channelId;
- if (customerId != 0)
- where += " and CustomerId = " + customerId;
- string sql = $@"select
- avg(末端派送差异) as 末端派送差异_票,
- avg(营运成本差异) as 营运成本差异_票,
- avg(一级中转差异) as 一级中转差异_票,
- avg(二级中转差异) as 二级中转差异_票,
- avg(出口报关差异) as 出口报关差异_票,
- avg(空运成本差异) as 空运成本差异_票,
- avg(海外清关差异) as 海外清关差异_票,
- avg(关税差异) as 关税差异_票,
- avg(海外中转差异) as 海外中转差异_票,
- avg(补贴差异) as 补贴差异_票,
- sum(末端派送差异)/(sum(称重重量)/1000.0) as 末端派送差异_KG,
- avg(营运成本差异)/(sum(称重重量)/1000.0) as 营运成本差异_KG,
- avg(一级中转差异)/(sum(称重重量)/1000.0) as 一级中转差异_KG,
- avg(二级中转差异)/(sum(称重重量)/1000.0) as 二级中转差异_KG,
- avg(出口报关差异)/(sum(称重重量)/1000.0) as 出口报关差异_KG,
- avg(空运成本差异)/(sum(称重重量)/1000.0) as 空运成本差异_KG,
- avg(海外清关差异)/(sum(称重重量)/1000.0) as 海外清关差异_KG,
- avg(关税差异)/(sum(称重重量)/1000.0) as 关税差异_KG,
- avg(海外中转差异)/(sum(称重重量)/1000.0) as 海外中转差异_KG,
- avg(补贴差异)/(sum(称重重量)/1000.0) as 补贴差异_KG,
- case when sum(末端派送)=0 then 1 else sum(末端派送差异)/SUM(末端派送) end as 末端派送差异_比例,
- case when sum(营运成本)=0 then 1 else sum(营运成本差异)/SUM(营运成本)end as 营运成本差异_比例,
- case when sum(一级中转)=0 then 1 else sum(一级中转差异)/SUM(一级中转)end as 一级中转差异_比例,
- case when sum(二级中转)=0 then 1 else sum(二级中转差异)/SUM(二级中转)end as 二级中转差异_比例,
- case when sum(出口报关)=0 then 1 else sum(出口报关差异)/SUM(出口报关)end as 出口报关差异_比例,
- case when sum(空运成本)=0 then 1 else sum(空运成本差异)/SUM(空运成本)end as 空运成本差异_比例,
- case when sum(海外清关)=0 then 1 else sum(海外清关差异)/SUM(海外清关)end as 海外清关差异_比例,
- case when sum(关税差异)=0 then 1 else sum(关税差异)/SUM(关税差异)end as 关税差异_比例,
- case when sum(海外中转)=0 then 1 else sum(海外中转差异)/SUM(海外中转)end as 海外中转差异_比例,
- case when sum(补贴)=0 then 1 else sum(补贴差异)/SUM(补贴)end as 补贴差异_比例
- from FinanceBillDetailWeightDifference(nolock)
- where 称重时间 between '{start}' and '{end}' {where}
- ";
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<FinanceBillDetailWeightDifferenceGroup>(sql, 360)).FirstOrDefault();
- }
- public async Task<List<EFFinanceBill>> GetFinanceBillCustomerEveryDay(
- DateTime start,
- DateTime end)
- {
- string sql = $@"
- select [所属客户],CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120)称重时间,sum(毛利) as 毛利,sum(收入)收入,
- case when sum(isnull(收入,0))=0 then 0 else sum(毛利)/sum(收入) end 毛利占比 from FinanceBillDetail
- where 称重时间 between '{start}' and '{end.AddDays(1)}'
- group by CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120),[所属客户]
- order by CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120)
- ";
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<EFFinanceBill>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- }
- public async Task<List<EFFinanceBill>> GetFinanceBillChannelEveryDay(
- DateTime start,
- DateTime end)
- {
- string sql = $@"
- select [渠道名称],CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120)称重时间,sum(毛利) as 毛利,sum(收入)收入,
- case when sum(isnull(收入,0))=0 then 0 else sum(毛利)/sum(收入) end 毛利占比 from FinanceBillDetail
- where 称重时间 between '{start}' and '{end.AddDays(1)}'
- group by CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120),[渠道名称]
- order by CONVERT(nvarchar(10),称重时间, 120)
- ";
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<EFFinanceBill>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- }
- public async Task<List<EFFinanceGroupBill>> GetFinanceBillGroupAsChannel(DateTime start, DateTime end)
- {
- string sql = $@"
- select [渠道名称],
- sum(收入) 预计收入,
- count(0) 收货单量,
- sum(称重重量/1000.0) 收货重量,
- sum(毛利) as 毛利,
- case when sum(isnull(收入,0))=0 then 0 else sum(毛利)/sum(收入) end 毛利占比,
- sum(毛利)/count(0) 单件毛利,CreateOrderChannelId
- from FinanceBillDetail
- where 称重时间 between '{start}' and '{end.AddDays(1)}'
- group by [渠道名称],CreateOrderChannelId
- order by SUM([收入]) desc";
- var allChannelData = (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<EFFinanceGroupBill>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- var everyDay = await GetEFFinanceBillChannelEveryDay(start, end);
- foreach (var custometData in allChannelData)
- {
- custometData.EveryDayBill = everyDay.Where(x => x.渠道名称 == custometData.渠道名称).ToList();
- }
- return allChannelData;
- }
- public async Task<List<EFFinanceGroupBill>> GetFinanceBillGroupAsCustomer(DateTime start, DateTime end)
- {
- string sql = $@"
- select [所属客户],
- sum(收入) 预计收入,
- count(0) 收货单量,
- sum(称重重量/1000.0) 收货重量,
- sum(毛利) as 毛利,
- case when sum(isnull(收入,0))=0 then 0 else sum(毛利)/sum(收入) end 毛利占比,
- sum(毛利)/count(0) 单件毛利,CustomerId
- from FinanceBillDetail
- where 称重时间 between '{start}' and '{end.AddDays(1)}'
- group by [所属客户],CustomerId
- order by SUM([收入]) desc";
- var allCustomerData = (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<EFFinanceGroupBill>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- var everyDay = await GetEFFinanceBillCustomerEveryDay(start, end);
- foreach (var custometData in allCustomerData)
- {
- custometData.EveryDayBill = everyDay.Where(x => x.所属客户 == custometData.所属客户).ToList();
- }
- return allCustomerData;
- }
- public async Task<List<View_FinanceBill2>> GetView_FinanceBills(int channelId, int customerId, DateTime start, DateTime end, SettlementCompany? SettlementCompany)
- {
- string where = "";
- //if (Finance_Companys.HasValue && Finance_Companys > 0)
- //{
- // if (Finance_Companys == FinanceCompanys.行运易)
- // {
- // where += " and CustomerId <>1" +
- // " and CreateOrderChannelId <> 48 and CreateOrderChannelId<>49 and CreateOrderChannelId<>50 and CreateOrderChannelId<>101 and CreateOrderChannelId<>106";
- // }
- // else if (Finance_Companys == FinanceCompanys.逸达)
- // {
- // where += " and CustomerId =1 and CreateOrderChannelId <> 48 and CreateOrderChannelId<>49 and CreateOrderChannelId<>50 and CreateOrderChannelId<>101 and CreateOrderChannelId<>106";
- // }
- // else if (Finance_Companys == FinanceCompanys.朗天)
- // {
- // where += " and (CreateOrderChannelId = 48 or CreateOrderChannelId = 49 or CreateOrderChannelId = 50 or CreateOrderChannelId = 101 or CreateOrderChannelId = 106)";
- // }
- //}
- //else
- //{
- if (channelId != 0)
- where += " and CreateOrderChannelId = " + channelId;
- if (customerId != 0)
- where += " and CustomerId = " + customerId;
- if (SettlementCompany.HasValue)
- where += " and SettlementCompany = " + SettlementCompany.GetValue();
- //}
- string sql = $@"
- select
- e.PublicName as [渠道名称],f.CompanyName[所属客户],
- sum( case when b.ConfirmedAmount = 0 or b.ConfirmedAmount is null
- then d.OPCFreight else b.ConfirmedAmount end + isnull(b.AttachFee,0)) [收入],
- sum( case when c.ConfirmedAmount = 0 or c.ConfirmedAmount is null
- then d.OPSFreight else c.ConfirmedAmount end * isnull(g.ToCNY,0)) [末端派送],
- sum( isnull(ef.OperateCost,0))[营运成本],
- sum( case when h.FirstTransferFeeCost = 0 or h.FirstTransferFeeCost is null
- then ef.FirstTransferPrice * a.OPWeight /1000.0 else h.FirstTransferFeeCost end) [一级中转],
- sum( case when h.SecondTransferFeeCost = 0 or h.SecondTransferFeeCost is null
- then ef.SecondTransferPrice * a.OPWeight /1000.0 else h.SecondTransferFeeCost end) [二级中转],
- sum( case when h.DomesticClearFeeCost = 0 or h.DomesticClearFeeCost is null
- then ef.ClearanceUnitWeightPrice * a.OPWeight /1000.0
- else h.DomesticClearFeeCost end) [出口报关],
- sum( case when h.FristFeeCost = 0 or h.FristFeeCost is null then
- ef. FirstLegUnitPrice * a.OPWeight/1000 else h.FristFeeCost end ) [空运成本],
- sum( case when h.OverseasClearFeeCost =0 or h.OverseasClearFeeCost is null
- then ef.ClearanceUnitWeightPrice * a.OPWeight/1000.0 * isnull(effc.ToCNY,0) else h.OverseasClearFeeCost * isnull(ocfc.ToCny,0) end)[清关成本],
- sum( case when h.TaxFeeCost = 0 or h.TaxFeeCost is null then
- ef.TaxPrice * a.OPWeight /1000 * isnull(eftax.ToCNY,0) else isnull(h.TaxFeeCost,0)*isnull(tfc.ToCny,0) end) [关税],
- sum( case when h.OverSeaTransferFeeCost =0 or h.OverseasClearFeeCost is null
- then ef.OverSeaTransferPrice * a.OPWeight/1000.0 * ISNULL(eftfc.ToCNY,0)
- else isnull(h.OverSeaTransferFeeCost,0)*isnull(ostfc.ToCny,0) end) [海外中转],
- sum( case when h.Subsidy =0 or h.Subsidy is null
- then ef.SubsidyPrice * isnull(efsc.ToCNY,0) else isnull(h.Subsidy,0)*isnull(sc.ToCny,0) end)[补贴]
- from Order_Order(nolock) a
- left join
- (select sum(isnull( ConfirmedAmount,0)) as ConfirmedAmount,TrackingNumber,sum(isnull(AttachFee,0)) as AttachFee from Finance_CustomerDeliveryBillDetail(nolock)group by trackingnumber) b on a.TrackingNumber=b.TrackingNumber
- left join
- (select sum(isnull( ConfirmedAmount,0)) as ConfirmedAmount,TrackingNumber from Finance_ServiceDeliveryBillDetail(nolock)group by trackingnumber) c on c.TrackingNumber=a.TrackingNumber
- left join
- Order_Fee(nolock) d on d.OrderId = a.Id
- left join
- Logistics_Channel(nolock) e on e.id=a.CreateOrderChannelId
- left join
- User_Customer(nolock) f on f.Id=a.CustomerId
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) g on g.Currency = d.OPSCurreny
- and convert(date,a.ReceiveTime) between
- convert(date, g.StartDate) and convert(date, g.EndDate)
- left join
- Finance_OrderCost(nolock) h on h.OrderId = a.Id
- left join Logistics_Public(nolock) lp on lp.Code = e.PublicCode
- left join Finance_Logistics_LadingBill(nolock) llb on llb.BillNumber = h.LadingBillNumber
- outer apply( select top 1 * from Finance_EstimateFee(nolock) ef where ef.ChannelId = lp.Id and ef.EffectiveDate<a.ReceiveTime order by ef.EffectiveDate desc)ef
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) ocfc on ocfc.Currency = h.OverseasClearFeeCurreny and
- convert(date, llb.OverseasClearBillTime)
- between convert(date, ocfc.StartDate) and convert(date, ocfc.EndDate)
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) tfc on tfc.Currency = h.TaxFeeCurreny and
- convert(date, llb.TaxBillTime)
- between convert(date, tfc.StartDate) and convert(date, tfc.EndDate)
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) ostfc on ostfc.Currency = h.OverSeaTransferFeeCurreny and
- convert(date, llb.OverSeaTransferBillTime)
- between convert(date, ostfc.StartDate) and convert(date, ostfc.EndDate)
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) sc on sc.Currency = h.SubsidyCurreny and
- convert(date, llb.SubsidyBillTime)
- between convert(date, sc.StartDate) and convert(date,sc.EndDate)
- ---预计汇率
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) effc on effc.Currency = ef.ClearancePriceCurrency and
- convert(date,a.ReceiveTime)
- between convert(date, effc.StartDate) and convert(date, effc.EndDate)
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) eftax on eftax.Currency = ef.TaxPriceCurrency and
- convert(date,a.ReceiveTime)
- between convert(date, eftax.StartDate) and convert(date, eftax.EndDate)
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) eftfc on eftfc.Currency = ef.OverSeaTransferPriceCurrency and
- convert(date, a.ReceiveTime)
- between convert(date, eftfc.StartDate) and convert(date, eftfc.EndDate)
- left join
- Finance_Rate(nolock) efsc on efsc.Currency = ef.SubsidyPriceCurrency and
- convert(date, a.ReceiveTime)
- between convert(date, efsc.StartDate) and convert(date,efsc.EndDate)
- where a.ReceiveTime between '{start.ToString_yyyyMMdd()}' and '{end.ToString_yyyyMMdd()}' {where}
- and a.OrderStatus>1
- group by e.PublicName,f.CompanyName ";
- return (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<View_FinanceBill2>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- }
- public async Task<List<Finance_Logistics_LadingBillLog>> GetLadingBillLogs(int BillId, FinanceIncidentalTypeEnum type)
- {
- string name = "";
- switch (type)
- {
- case FinanceIncidentalTypeEnum.头程杂费:
- name = "PaymentFristFee";
- break;
- case FinanceIncidentalTypeEnum.国内清关杂费:
- name = "PaymentDomesticClearFee";
- break;
- case FinanceIncidentalTypeEnum.国外清关杂费:
- name = "PaymentOverseasClearFee";
- break;
- case FinanceIncidentalTypeEnum.收款:
- name = "CusetomerCheques";
- break;
- default:
- name = "";
- break;
- }
- string sql = $@"
- select a.OldValue,a.NewValue,a.CreateTime ,b.NewValue as Remark from Finance_Logistics_LadingBillLog(nolock) a left join Finance_Logistics_LadingBillLog(nolock)b on a.CreateTime=b.CreateTime and b.field= 'Remark'
- where a.Id={BillId} and a.Field = 'PaymentFristFee' ";
- var list = (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<Finance_Logistics_LadingBillLog>(sql)).ToList();
- return list;
- }
- public Task<List<EFFinanceBill>> GetEFFinanceBillGroup(DateTime start, DateTime end)
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- public async Task<List<CompletionRate>> GetCompletionRate(DateTime start, DateTime end, int channelId, int customerId)
- {
- string where = "";
- if (channelId != 0)
- where += " and CreateOrderChannelId = " + channelId;
- if (customerId != 0)
- where += " and CustomerId = " + customerId;
- string sql = $@"
- select
- sum(case when 末端派送 =0 then 0 else 1 end) /convert(decimal(18,2), count(0)) as 末端派送,
- sum(case when 营运成本 =0 then 0 else 1 end) / convert(decimal(18,2), count(0)) as 营运成本,
- sum(case when 一级中转 =0 then 0 else 1 end) / convert(decimal(18,2), count(0)) as 一级中转,
- sum(case when 二级中转 =0 then 0 else 1 end) / convert(decimal(18,2), count(0)) as 二级中转,
- sum(case when 出口报关 =0 then 0 else 1 end) / convert(decimal(18,2), count(0)) as 出口报关,
- sum(case when 空运成本 =0 then 0 else 1 end) / convert(decimal(18,2), count(0)) as 空运成本,
- sum(case when 海外清关 =0 then 0 else 1 end) / convert(decimal(18,2), count(0)) as 海外清关,
- sum(case when 关税 =0 then 0 else 1 end) / convert(decimal(18,2), count(0)) as 关税,
- sum(case when 海外中转 =0 then 0 else 1 end) / convert(decimal(18,2), count(0)) as 海外中转,
- sum(case when 补贴 =0 then 0 else 1 end) / convert(decimal(18,2), count(0)) as 补贴
- from FinanceBillDetail
- where 称重时间 between '{start}' and '{end.AddDays(1)} {where}'
- ";
- var allCustomerData = (await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<CompletionRate>(sql, 360)).ToList();
- return allCustomerData;
- }
- public async Task UpdateFirstBillCusetomerChequesStatus(int CustomerId, DateTime start, DateTime end)
- {
- string aboutCusetomerChequesSql = string.Empty;
- int CusetomerChequesStatus = (int)PaymentStatus.结款中;
- string sql = @$" update Finance_Logistics_LadingBill set CusetomerChequesStatus={CusetomerChequesStatus}{aboutCusetomerChequesSql}
- from (select BillNo from Finance_ChargesDetail where Offset=0 and CustomerId=@CustomerId and AccountingDate>=@start and AccountingDate<@end and IncomeOrESxpense='支出' and BillType='客户头程账单费用'
- ) b
- where Finance_Logistics_LadingBill.BillNumber=b.BillNo ";
- await _unitOfWork.ExecuteAsync(sql, new { CustomerId = CustomerId, start = start, end = end });
- }
- public async Task CompleteFirstBillCusetomerChequesStatus(int CustomerId, DateTime end)
- {
- string aboutCusetomerChequesSql = string.Empty;
- int CusetomerChequesStatus = (int)PaymentStatus.结款结束;
- string sql = @$" update Finance_Logistics_LadingBill set CusetomerChequesStatus={CusetomerChequesStatus},CusetomerCheques=CusetomerFee
- from (select BillNo from Finance_ChargesDetail b left join Finance_Logistics_LadingBill a on b.BillNo=a.BillNumber where b.Offset=0 and b.CustomerId=@CustomerId and b.AccountingDate<@end and b.IncomeOrESxpense='支出' and b.BillType='客户头程账单费用' and a.CusetomerChequesStatus={(int)PaymentStatus.结款中}
- ) b
- where Finance_Logistics_LadingBill.BillNumber=b.BillNo ";
- await _unitOfWork.ExecuteAsync(sql, new { CustomerId = CustomerId, end = end });
- }
- public async Task<IEnumerable<Finance_Logistics_LadingBill>> GetLadingBillByChargesDetail(DateTime end, int customerId)
- {
- string sql = @$" select a.* from Finance_Logistics_LadingBill(nolock) a
- left join Finance_ChargesDetail(nolock) b on b.BillNo=a.BillNumber
- where b.Offset=0 and b.CustomerId=@customerId and b.AccountingDate<@end and b.IncomeOrESxpense='支出' and b.BillType='客户头程账单费用'
- and a.CusetomerChequesStatus={(int)PaymentStatus.结款中}
- order by a.id desc";
- return await _unitOfWork.QueryBySqlAsync<Finance_Logistics_LadingBill>(sql, null, new { customerId = customerId, end = end });
- }
- }
- }